
Introduction to Web Accessibility

"Introduction to Web Accessibility" is a new MOOC for developers to learn about web accessibility, and apply it to their websites to make the Internet accessible and useful for all.

What is this course? From their website:
According to the World Health Organization, 285 million people have vision impairments. As web applications have grown rich and creative, they have become less accessible to these users. Introduction to Web Accessibility is an online course that introduces tools and techniques for web developers to easily ensure that websites are more accessible to users who are blind or have low vision.


Unit 1 - Introducing Web Accessibility & Tools
Unit 2 - Adding Interaction: From Web Documents To Web Applications
Unit 3 - Using Live Regions
Unit 4 - Putting it All Together

Google Developers Live program about Accessibility.
Sign up for Introduction to Web Accessibility at g.co/webaccessibility to discover fast and simple ways to make your websites more accessible to blind and low vision users. Add the Google Chrome extensions discussed in this video, ChromeVox (a screen reader for Chrome) and Accessibility Developer Tools (an audit tool for your web inspector) from chrome.google.com/webstore 
Panelists: Googlers Eve Andersson, Vint Cerf, Charles Chen and T.V. Raman

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are my own, and do not reflect those of my employer. -Fumi Yamazaki

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